Insight on my approach to fitness.
Pilates helps me embody my values.
The Pilates body is a thing. If you practice, you will build lean muscle. If you practice with me, I will teach you the foundations -
breath, concentration, control, precision, centre, flow.
But I’m not here to promote a single standard of beauty. Instead I want to strengthen your mind-body connection so you can confidently recover from the setbacks life inevitably brings.
autoimmune flareups
I’ve been there!
serious injury
I’ve been there!
lost contracts
I’ve been there!
lost friends
I’ve been there!
Everyone has valleys that follow their peaks.
Pilates has given me the physical tools so I don’t stay at the valley bottom forever.
The body awareness I have gained from Pilates has made me better in relationships, friendships and collaborations.
Knowing where you end and another begins - that’s having boundaries.
Speaking your truth - that takes inner strength.
Pilates helps you build strength from the inside out.
We initiate all movement from the core. We move slow and intentional to build a foundation that sticks.
Practice with me.
It would be an honour to be your guide through inner space.